Grant Application
Grant applications are not accepted from individual members of the public but may be made by any of the following:
- a) A professionally qualified health or social care worker
- b) A statutory organisation that provides a health care, social care, education or advice service
- c) A registered charity that is contracted to provide a statutory health care, social care or advice service
- d) A Citizens Advice
- e) The prison or probation service (National Offender Management Service, NOMS)
- f) A tenancy support worker employed by either a Local Authority, Industrial and Provident Society or a Housing Association which is registered with the Housing Corporation.
Additional supporting information may be required from a professionally qualified health or social care worker in the case of 'b' to 'f' above.
We are unable to accept grant applications from any organisation that does not meet the above criteria.
Individuals who are in need of a short break due to disability, poor health or their role as a carer should approach an approved organisation for support with the application process.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the referring agency to adhere to Data Protection regulations and to obtain consent from the potential beneficiary for the confidential information contained in the application form to be disclosed.
Decisions regarding the allocation of grants are usually made within one week of the receipt of the grant application although at various times throughout the year the process will take longer. When this is the case a message will be left on the VCT answerphone.
Please note that lack of information or clarity will lead to delays in the decision making process.
All grant payments are made directly to the Service Provider or to the referring agency and not to the grant beneficiary.